Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our Stay At the Queen Mary...ooooh, SCARY

As a Christmas gift Mascot gave myself, Dave and Timmy a nights stay at the purportedly haunted Queen Mary.  Here's a sampling of our experience....

Our fearless guide for the first part of the evening

They have a tank where you can look down to get an idea of the sheer size of the props.  Supposedly there have been ghost sitings here.  We saw nothing but it was pretty cool regardless

 After some investigation, we learned that the B Deck was where most of the sightings occur.
SO thats where our cabins were, Rooms B406 and B409.

I snapped this picture and it got a reaction from our guide and a few on the tour.  
They thought it might be an "orb"ghost.  
I guess in that exact spot a ghost bride has been spotted numerous times.

 Door 13.  
Some sailor was crushed between the doors here.  
It was creepy.

 The hall going down past Door 13.

 This room was one of the weirdest.  All of us thought we heard, felt or saw something in here.  I took a picture of the catwalk because we heard footsteps coming in that direction.

 Dave is possessed.

 Creepy engine room.

 Scary door.

 More engine room

 I want a Turkish electric bath and massage. ..
Enlarge this to see all the wonderful services this spa offered.

 This place is supposed to be a "Haunted Vortex". 
 The smell in here haunted my nostrils for hours.  It was horrific.

 More pool... more orbs?

 Story has it a girl drowned in this pool.  Dave kept pretending to take photos with her...

Hall above the pool.

 More pool and orbs?  This place was eerie.

After the tour, and before we started off exploring on our own, 
we stopped at the observation bar for "spirits" and to listen to the great band playing there...

...and met up with more friends....

 ...and watched Lembke do a candle shot


"The bet"

 Dave and I looking bored.

 The banquet hall

This room is supposed to be one of the most haunted.  
Story has it that it's so bad that they wont rent the room out anymore.  
Our guide refused to take us inside.  Doggonnit. 

Aaron was brave and challenged the Ghost. 
We all peeked in and saw a weird orange glow inside the room.


Went back to the bride place and hung out a bit.

The End.

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